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Washington State University CAHNRS Information Technology

Code Review

CAHNRS IT is able to provide code review and auditing of application function, behavior, and security as needed for accreditation and approval by programs int he college.  Depending on the scope of the review there may be costs involved in performing the work.

What is this good for:

Validating best practices and security of applications developed within a program of the college, or generating recommendations on the state and health of an application.

What is this not good for:

Functional audits of applications, or audits of out of date software platforms.

How is CIT supporting this:

Code review is supported by three full time developers.

How do I get this:

Please put in a ticket into our support portal or send an email to to request a project consultation and scoping.  Once a project has been scoped we will identify development timeline, cost, and scope of work.  Once accepted the project will go into our project queue.  For most projects we recommend contacting us a minimum of 3-6 months before you need a working application.
